Saturday, December 26, 2009

Roger L. Simon » A Climategate Christmas
...people tend to conflate skepticism about AGW with being pro-pollution, as if they were the same thing. Incredibly, I heard James Carville make that very accusation on television, even though the reverse may be true.
American Thinker: The EPA's Goldilocks Rule
There is literally no human activity that cannot be controlled by regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant.
Global Warming hoax response reveals Obama’s shaky mental acumen
In the midst of perhaps the most spectacular science scam of the last century exposing falsified data used to “prove” Global Warming, President Obama’s official response gave unsettling insights into his modest rigors of mind.
For U.S., leadership role in climate [hoax] talks should begin in Washington: Idiotic LA Times editorial
Granted, the world has to contend only with demagogues like Chavez, who at least grasps the clear evidence that climate change is happening; we've got to deal with the likes of Republican Sen. James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, who considers it a hoax. Nonetheless, the U.S. bears an overwhelming burden of responsibility for the problem, and the world will follow only if it first sets a good example.

1 comment:

10ksnooker said...

Now who would think the liberals would make up that lie?

CO2 is a pollutant, so said the EPA.

Just like the EPA said DDT was bad for the earth and it's birds.

Both are just lies.