Tuesday, December 08, 2009

YouTube - ClimateGate Ad - Exposing the Warmists' Deceit Amidst COP15
Exposing the tricks and deceit among the UN's warmist climate scientists in an ad by the No Cap and Trade coalition using actual email messages from the scientists centered at the Climatic Research Unit in England. Visit NoCapAndTrade.com to learn more and defeat the fraud at COP15 / Copenhagen.
Dissenting members ask APS to put their policy statement on ice due to Climategate « Watts Up With That?
A small group of scientists, spearheaded by Richard Lindzen of MIT (see his statement here) and including several prominent physicists, are asking the American Physical Society to rescind its political statement on climate change
All American Blogger » Obama Administration Declares Carbon Dioxide “Dangerous”
It was really a matter of time. The Obama administration couldn’t refrain from entering one of the largest wealth redistribution schemes in the history of the world, not could it? After all, “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.“

The first move in getting America’s money spread around the world, to developing countries like, oh Mother Russia, is to declare carbon dioxide a danger to mankind.
The public voted: scepticism is endorsed | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Kevin Rudd would be very nervous now. Scepticism has now been legitimised as a political stand for the first time in a decade of Australian politics.
Climatologist: More Needs To Be Done To Fight Global Warming : NPR - StumbleUpon
James Hansen is a noted U.S. government scientist, who believes the Bush administration was trying to stifle the discussion on global warming. Hansen tells Steve Inskeep that while the political climate has changed, still not enough is being done to fight global warming.
Local scientists hope for winds of [political] change in climate [hoax] conference | SouthCoastToday.com
As a two-week climate change conference opened Monday in Copenhagen, SouthCoast scientists and educators said they will watch from afar while negotiators attempt to hammer out a new international treaty to stop global warming.

"This is a tremendous opportunity where nations of the world will gather on this topic. "¦ There are very difficult issues to be negotiated," said John Bullard, president of SEA Education Association in Woods Hole.

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