Saturday, January 23, 2010

Editorial - The Case for a Climate [Swindle] Bill -
President Obama can start to prove the conventional wisdom wrong by making a full-throated case for a climate bill in his State of the Union speech this week.
The climate change bills pending in the Senate would not begin to bite for several years, when the recession should be over.
The bill passed by the House last year calls for emissions in 2020 to be 17 percent lower than they were in 2005. This is the bare minimum required to give the industrialized world a fighting chance of achieving an 80 percent reduction by midcentury, which most mainstream scientists think will be necessary to avert the worst consequences of global warming. [Which scientists, specifically, think this?  Of the scientists who do think this, what percentage support the bill passed by the House?]

Then there is the race for markets. China is moving aggressively to create jobs in the clean-energy industry. [But if they're doing this without cap and trade, why do we need cap and trade?]
The jobs argument should impress the Senate. [but if the bills wouldn't "bite" for several years, wouldn't the alleged jobs also not appear for several years?]

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