The Hockey Stick Illusion: new climategate book hits the street | CLIMATEGATE
Glaciergate threatens a climate change | The Australian
The hockey stick is the sacred symbol of the global warming movement. Now, you can get in-depth debunking of it and other climategate falsities in the new book, The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science by Andrew Montford.Energy Debate Yields Little Middle Ground - Green Inc. Blog -
Mr. Kennedy refused to engage the scientific debate, suggesting only that the cost to society of acting to prevent global warming — even if the science is ultimately proved wrong — is a legacy of cleaner fuels, a healthier environment and energy independence.How warm would it have to get to destroy all of human civilization?
If global warming skeptics are believed now, and then ultimately proved wrong, Mr. Kennedy said, “the whole of civilization is destroyed.”
Glaciergate threatens a climate change | The Australian
Fred Pearce, a British environmental journalist who has found himself at the centre of the Glaciergate row, agrees with Cogley's prediction and says the stakes are now dangerously high for Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the Nobel Prize-winning IPCC.Climate change [scam] is topic of physics lecture
"People who want to undermine the science on climate change will be crawling over the report looking for another mistake like this and if they do find another one it will be curtains for Pachauri," Pearce says. "The way he has handled this glacier issue means he's now a sitting duck if anything else turns up."
Community members who wonder how climate change could impact Houston and the resulting 21st century solutions are invited to attend a free lecture called “Can Houston Survive Inaction on Climate Change?” by noted physicist Joseph Romm, Jan. 23, 6–8 p.m., in University of Houston-Clear Lake’s Bayou Theater.Will this be a real question and answer segment, or will Romm cherry-pick softball questions from written submissions?
Romm is senior fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and the author of “Hell and High Water: Global Warming—The Solution and The Politics.” A question and answer segment and open reception will follow the presentation.
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