Let’s Keep It At Schaudenfreude, Not Masochism
A new study pointed out to us by the Institute for Energy Research shows the troubling experience in Germany as that nation has tried to subsidize renewable energy options that are still very expensive. The lesson: let’s not throw our own good money after bad.EPA Getting Too Big for Its Britches?
Some key findings:* Financial aid to Germany’s solar industry has now reached a level that far exceeds average wages, with per worker subsidies as high as $240,000 US...
Cap-and-trade may be appropriately shelved for the time being, particularly in light of the Massachusetts Senate upset, but that may only embolden “Action Jackson” and her gung ho EPA to more aggressively pursue regulatory measures that Congress won’t touch. Inside EPA (subscription required) speculates on whether or not the agency is taking on too much and risks endangering its own credibility.Pajamas Media » Actually, Weather Is Climate
It is statistically appropriate to point to this year's frigidity as evidence that the theory of man-made global warming is suspect.C3: What Per Cent of Global Warming Is Natural? Past Climate History Has The Answer
Though it is true human CO2 emissions and other human forces may have a slight influence on temperatures, especially in local/regional areas, the fact remains that modern temperature changes are not unlike the previous global temperature movements already experienced. World temperatures are predominantly driven by the dynamic natural forces that the previous 18 climate temperature changes have exhibited. That's what the ice core climate science tells us.
What per cent of global warming is natural? Based on 9,000 years of climate change history, the answer is very close to 100%.
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