Friday, January 22, 2010

James Hansen: Would you buy a used temperature data set from THIS man? – Telegraph Blogs
Now reader Michael Potts has drawn my attention to yet further evidence of Dr Hansen’s radical, virulently anti-democratic instincts. He has lent his support to an eco-fascist book advising on ways to destroy western industrialisation through propaganda, guile and outright sabotage.
It’s an important thing to remember when we talk about AGW: many of the activist-scientists pushing it passionately want the earth to be getting hotter and it for it to be largely man’s fault. These watermelons certainly don’t want the opposite to be true, because then they wouldn’t have the excuse they so desperately need to destroy the capitalist system and take us all back to the agrarian age.
NewsBusters Interview: Tim Carney, Author of 'Obamanomics' |
My broader point is, Obama is GE's whole story; they are the for-profit arm of the Obama administration. Obama says embryonic stem cells, GE starts an embryonic stem cell line. Obama says high-speed rail and freight trains, GE goes ahead and hires Linda Daschle to be their lobbyist in that. Obama says health care reform, GE launches a line of health care imaging, MRI-type things. Obama says global warming, GE is all over that creating greenhouse gas offsets already, something that only gets a real value once cap and trade passes. And GE spends more on lobbying than any company in America. When you put that all together, you see the success of Barack Obama is the success of General Electric, so that's where the conflict of interest is just utterly glaring.
Our Latest Cartoon: … And All We Got Was This Shirt
Text: Nancy Pelosi and her friends went to Copenhagen on three military jets, stayed in five-star resorts, and dine liked royalty. And all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
[We're saved!]: Students vow to stop global warming with symbolic handprints | Brunei
STUDENTS and teachers of Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Secondary School, Mentiri recently had a chance to pledge their commitment in stopping global warming by adding their handprints to what is possibly the largest banner in Brunei.

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