Saturday, January 02, 2010

Hysterical stuff from the Times Online (JPG):
[100 years from now:  The sea is an acidic soup.  Coral reefs are dead. Wildfires rage every summer in the forests that remain in Europe.] 
Strange Geoglyphs Discovered Beneath Clearcut Amazon : TreeHugger
Ranzi seems open to other possibilities:
Was it really forest [when the drawings were built] or did they occupy this area at a time of climate crisis, like that of 2005?
Global warming in the excluded middle.
If man ended his contribution of CO2, or all contributions of greenhouse gases, completely, the causes of climate change are still multifarious and not completely known or understood; and, if the absence of man’s contribution slowed global warming, it is unlikely to stop it. Man is not smart enough to stop global warming, and the unintended consequences can’t be known if man could stop global warming. It seems shortsighted to argue over whether or not man caused global warming and how man can stop it. The issue might be how to live with the changes global warming will bring about. It seems an unequivocal fact that man can’t stabilize the climate. The thought that we could would be tragic hubris. There may be more Earthly physical changes for which humans should be preparing.
Matters to Contemplate: Is planet doomed by a 'Climate Crisis?' Scientists disagree | | The Reno Gazette-Journal
No rational business would shut down productive assets before more productive ones are available, but that's what is being proposed. Shutting down coal, which produces almost 50 percent of our electricity, without equally productive sources in place makes no economic sense."

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