Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lawrence Solomon: Winds of change - Full Comment
Not that wind, which can be economic in niche applications, ever was in the running as a major source of economically generated power. Wind power in North America costs several times as much as power produced from conventional sources. Its sole competitive advantage came from climate change fears that presaged cap and trade legislation in the U.S., which was expected to sideline coal and other CO2-intensive ways of producing power. That cap and trade legislation is now gone gone gone — after Copenhagen’s failure, the Climategate emails, and President Obama’s loss of grace, there is approximately zero chance that it will now come to pass. Meaning that meaningful U.S. curbs on CO2 are no longer in the offing.
BBC News - Warm Front heating scheme 'needs more funds'
The heavy snow earlier this month brought with it freezing conditions for weeks on end.

Many people were affected by the sub-zero temperatures, but none more so than Marjorie Alcock and her husband Donald. Donald is an Alzheimer's sufferer and needs constant care from his wife.

During the cold spell the boiler they had installed four years ago through the government's Warm Front scheme broke down.

Instead of being helped quickly, the couple, who live in Coventry, was left without heating or hot water for six days.

"It was very, very cold, especially for my husband who has Alzheimer's", says Marjorie Alcock.
DaveWatch: Chairman Cameron sends his steel-hard cadres for re-education on climate change – Telegraph Blogs
As American voters finally scuttle Barack Obama’s climate change legislation, as the IPCC is forced to admit its claims about melting Himalayan glaciers were “speculation” and out by 300 years; as NASA’s GISS institute is implicated in climate data tampering; as a ferocious winter reinforces the global cooling that has been taking place since 1998; as public scepticism about “man-made” climate change becomes majority opinion on both sides of the Atlantic – the Cameronian Conservative Party chains itself to the dead myth of AGW and attempts to indoctrinate its candidates into that discredited socialist superstition.

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