Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PJTV - Trifecta - Sexed Up Global Warming Data: Not Hot!
The Himalayas are melting! So screamed the latest climate change study. But the lead author of that report admits its claims were hyped, and can’t be backed up with data. When it puts advocacy ahead of the facts, science stops being science.
Climate change debate pulls big crowd - Australia
There was a lively question and answer session at the conclusion of the debate, which appeared to be dominated by sceptics.
The Wall Comes Tumbling Down: Climate Depot's Morano Statement: 'We are witnessing the Berlin Wall moment in the global warming regime' | Climate Depot
Climate Depot's Morano Statement: "We are witnessing the Berlin Wall moment in the global warming regime. The statist cabal that has ruled the climate debate since the UN IPCC's inception in 1988 is now tumbling down before our eyes. The so-called 'gold-standard' of scientific review turns out to be counterfeit."

"Global warming is now undergoing the fastest ever collapse of any modern political movement. As UK Scientist Philip Stott noted in 2008: 'Global warming' is sub-prime science, sub-prime economics, and sub-prime politics, and it could well go down with the sub-prime mortgage'" [End Morano Statement.] - Climate report "error" concerns minister
A mistake about melting glaciers in the last report by the international climate change body IPCC is 'extremely worrying', environment minister Jacqueline Cramer is quoted as saying by the Volkskrant on Wednesday.

The 2007 report includes a claim that the Himalayan glaciers will have melted by 2035 but that now appears to have been based on miscalculations dating back to 1999. And one scientist has admitted the fact was included to put political pressure on world leaders to take action.

'As a politician, I base myself on science,' the minister said. 'This hurts my trust in the IPCC.'
The Reference Frame: UK science czar reopens the climate debate
When asked whether Pachauri would or should resign, the employee was chosen as the most impartial expert to answer this question about his boss. The employee said that the IPCC chief had nothing to do with the 2007 IPCC report - he is not the author of the report, just collected the Nobel prize for it - so he had no reason to resign. ;-) Some of the green lunatics' statements sound like well-crafted jokes, indeed.

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