Saturday, January 02, 2010

The purple scorpion: Global warming tosh and dosh
It's tedious to lay the Met Office's failings out on a slab for inspection, but it's necessary, since their ropey forecasts are an important part of global warming alarmism. They predict global warming on the basis of concealed temperature data, using computer models based on incomplete scientific theories of the climate which prove poor at predicting the future. On that basis, these social modellers who can't even do weather forecasts tell everyone in the world to become poorer. So they deserve to be attacked and ridiculed.
Witterings From Witney: The Cost Of Climate Change
Richard North, EU Referendum, provides another link to data on Climate Change and a link to Defra randd which list programmes and costs.

There are 11 pages of programmes and having only totalled the first two pages, this comes to the staggering figure of £154,170,696.

It is worth noting that this site has not been updated since 30th September 2004, so God alone knows what the cost of all this 'scammery' has now reached.
EU Referendum: The waste we are funding
...This is part of an international effort which has the taxpayer funding German teenagers (pictured top left) to wave "climate justice" banners outside the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, with more teenage activists inside (above) - the British Council all while keeping up its flow of propaganda on its blog, offering us such delights as: "Dr Pachauri has been phenomenal in his role at IPCC and the fourth assessment report of IPCC is the basis for all scientific information on climate change."

Is this really what we pay our taxes for?

Now, with £10 million more of hard-pressed British taxpayers' money about to flow into the coffers of an organisation owned by a multi-millionaire businessman by the name of Dr R K Pachauri, it would be highly germane to question whether David Cameron has all his marbles in place, wanting to protect this funding stream.
Wolf Howling: Dr. North's One Man Crusade To Expose Corruption
The man above, appropriately attired in the Chairman Mao outfit, is Rajendra Pachauri. Whether you realize it or not, he is of immense importance to you. He is rich. He is immensely powerful. He has financial interests hidden under a hundred different rocks. And if he gets his way, he will be stealing money out of your pocket and significantly lessening your quality of life. Remember that as you read this post.
That Pachauri heads the UN's IPCC while having a vast conflict of interest is pure corruption. And the bottom line is that until people like Pachauri are exposed and made to step down, if not locked down (which would be appropriate, since we are talking about theft that would make Bernie Madoff look like a mere pick pocket), then the science of AGW will always remain politicized and there is little chance of stopping this world record scam from reaching into our pockets.

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