Wednesday, February 17, 2010

American Thinker: The AGW Smoking Gun
So the results of three different peer-reviewed papers show that over a period of 36 years, there is no reduction of OLR emissions in wavelengths that CO2 absorb. Therefore, the AGW hypothesis is disproven.
Typos Don't Make Climate Change a Myth - Global Warming - [Global warming civil war at Gawker?]
"I'm a natural sceptic," a British-born web publisher [Nick Denton, managing editor of Gawker] says to explain his recent Tweets expressing doubt about the validity of the science behind climate change. Coincidentally, that's the same argument used by everyone who prefers conspiracy theories to science.
CNN poll: 52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect the president in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else.
The global warming scapegoats : Detailed News | 17 February 2010 |
The issue of climate change has been enlisted to help construct global governing institutions. President Obama’s chief of staff said some time ago that “it would be a shame to waste a good crisis.” What he meant was that a crisis can be mobilized to enlist the support of individuals, interest groups and organizations which, under normal circumstances, would be impossible.
Global warming is not a crisis created by man wantonly burning fossil fuels to the detriment of nature. Rather, global warming is a methodically fabricated issue cleverly designed and exploited by proponents of global governance under the tutelage of the United Nations.
Peabody Energy: EPA's global warming finding flawed -
Peabody Energy Corp. joined skeptics of proposed climate change regulations by asking a federal appeals court to review the Obama administration's determination that greenhouse gas emissions pose a threat to humans.

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