Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cicerone at the AAAS « Climate Audit
Gerry North told the Penn State Inquiry that he hadn’t read the Climategate emails out of “professional respect”. This apparently qualified him as an “expert” on the topic.

Cicerone appears to have been quite careful not to invite any speakers that actually knew anything about the controversy. It sounds like it will be totally uninformative – an ideal Sir Humphrey outcome.
Exxon Hits Peak Oil... Reserves
Amazingly, Exxon, who has been accused in the past of being too conservative in terms of exploration and development, has been finding more oil than it produces for each of the last 16 years, to the dismay of peak oil proponents.
Gordon Brown says you’re a double denier! | CLIMATEGATE
We’re glad to see that even the Prime Minister of the UK is confused about what term to use. It won’t be long until we are global warming/global cooling/climate change/global constant temperature deniers. Then they’ll have us covered.
- Bishop Hill blog - Geoffrey Boulton and the IPCC
The news of the day is the discovery by Climate Audit readers that until quite recently Geoffrey Boulton's CV included in the information that he was involved in the IPCC process. This detail, together with the fact that he had worked at UEA for twenty years, was omitted from the version of his CV that was presented to the press when the Russell Review panel was announced. - Map of Heavy Snow Cover in Europe
It's two months into the winter, and much of Europe has become mantled in unusually deep snow cover.
EPA Under the Greenhouse Gas Gun
Several organizations are petitioning Obama's EPA to reconsider its December 2009 endangerment finding regarding greenhouse gases.
SEPP Executive Vice President Kenneth Haapala charged, "EPA's Endangerment Finding is based on politics, not science. It is time to see the rigorous physical science, rather than speculation from computer models."
So Much for the U.S. Climate Action Partnership - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Jim Owens, the CEO of Caterpillar, is still listed on President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board — for now.
- Bishop Hill blog - Intelligence squared debate on scaremongering
The speakers are David Davis MP and Prof Philip Stott versus Mark Lynas and David Aaronovitch.
Al Fin: Fractal Climate: A Lot Can Change In a Million Years
A quick look at the last million years of climate will indicate that we are definitely not living in unprecedented times -- climatically speaking. In fact, it has been globally warmer during two of the previous inter-glacial periods of the past -- no anthropogenic greenhouse gases required.
VIEWPOINT: Let Congress regulate greenhouse gases | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota
If the Clean Air Act were to apply to greenhouse gases, then virtually every mansion, apartment and office would become subject to Environmental Protection Agency inspectors. It would be a nightmare, which is precisely why members of Congress never have voted to subject greenhouse gases to the Clean Air Act.

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