Wednesday, February 17, 2010

» Unintended Consequences: Battling ‘Climate Change’ Creates Famine - Big Journalism
Al Gore prattles on and on about the theoretical deaths that will, someday, supposedly be caused by a climate crisis that exists only in a future predicted by flawed computer models, which are in turn “proven” only by the dubious temperature records created by self-aggrandizing scientists who have demonstrated their willingness to lie, fudge and bully in order to make their case. The reality – today – is that the actions that the world has taken in order to respond to this non-existent crisis has reduced the impoverished citizens of Haiti to eating mud-pies.
iPhone app pitches climate change science against scepticism | Leo Hickman | Environment |
This might shock some people, but I happen to agree with the sentiment underlying the request issued by Climate Realists for sceptics to build their own rival app.

I think it would be very constructive if they compiled a one-stop shop for all their arguments with full references and citations so that everyone could assess them calmly and dispassionately.
The Skeptics Handbook « JoNova
Two free, colorful and concise booklets live here
Cold weather hits wildlife across the UK | Environment |
The coldest January in years is wreaking havoc among deer, but the National Trust says this year's spring promises to be the most spectacular in years
Slow Trip Across Sea Aids Profit and Environment -
It took more than a month for the container ship Ebba Maersk to steam from Germany to Guangdong, China, where it unloaded cargo on a recent Friday — a week longer than it did two years ago.

But for the owner, the Danish shipping giant Maersk, that counts as progress.
Super slow shipping involves adjustments. Maersk had to prove that slow speeds would not damage ship engines in order to maintain engine warranties that did not cover such slow travel. Customers have to factor in extra time for delivery, which can be problematic for time-sensitive products like fashion or electronics, said Mr. Damas of Drewry Shipping.

Maersk has also shouldered the labor costs of having crews at sea for longer periods and added two ships on its Germany-to-China route to maintain scheduled deliveries. But those expenses were canceled out by decreased fuel costs, it said.
Cold Weather Freezes Maple Syrup Production - Ohio - WEWS Cleveland
"They usually figure around Presidents Day for it to start. This year, it's obviously going to be late because of all the snow,” Jen Freeman said.

Freeman is a fourth generation maple syrup producer, but so far this year, there's no taps in the tree, no drips the bucket and no steam from the sugar house.

"Nothing. It’s still frozen, it looks like it's frozen for at least a week yet, and it’s going to take another good week yet to thaw out,” Freeman said.
Flashback: Will global warming doom maple syrup? | Yahoo! Green
It is the 3˚ to 10˚ F warming predicted over the next century by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that may doom the sugar maple in the northeastern U.S. Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concedes that the sugar maple will not survive the century in New England. Its Climate Action Report from 2002 notes, "In addition, climate change is likely to cause long-term shifts in forest species, such as sugar maples moving north out of the country."

In other words, it is not a question of if the sugar maple will disappear, it is a question of when.

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