Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Britain facing food crisis as world's soil 'vanishes in 60 years' - Telegraph
British farming soil could run out within 60 years, leading to a catastrophic food crisis and drastically higher prices for consumers, scientists warn.
So should we burn crop waste instead of plowing it under?

The Reference Frame: IPCC deeply regrets errors, Pachauri doesn't: and other news
It would be nothing else than "populism" to take the responsibility for the report, he says. Pachauri only picks the positive results of the report such as the Nobel prizes, has nothing to do with any of the negative things, and everyone who wants him to be responsible is a corrupt stooge of the oil industry, the malicious porn author explains.

Well, I think it is sheer populism, flattering to the tens of thousands of freeloaders in the green and propaganda industries, to hesitate with the imprisoning of this particularly arrogant crook.
Robbing the poorest to pay for climate change
We do not know enough about the extent and impact of climate change to kill poor people to reduce temperatures by a tenth of a degree by the end of the century. This is criminal. It is evil.
Forget The Moon: Mostly Pointless Carbon Emission Satellite To Be Re-Flown Instead « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
Let’s forget for a minute that 2 years are nothing at all in terms of climate (a problem affecting most Earth observation platforms dedicated to climate science, it seems)….still, a quick computation reveals the grand total amount of observations from OCO for any particular spot on the planet is expected to be 45. That is, around 11 per “seasonal cycle”. And all of them, at 1:18PM local time.

No further comment is necessary.
EU Referendum: Phil Jones on Channel 4
[video] The only thing they don't do is use soft focus when they film him ... he will be vindicated ... yeah!
Free parking is destroying the planet | CLIMATEGATE
The California state senator who two years ago tried to make it easier for communists to teach in public schools, has introduced a new bill that would incentivize local governments to begin abolishing free parking spaces within their jurisdictions. That’s right, the goal is to make it so difficult for drivers to find parking that they give up their earth-killing vehicles in favor of eco-friendly public transportation. Or ride a bike. Or walk.
Everyone wins but the citizens who like lower taxes, less government and FREE PARKING.

So what’s the excuse they give the public for this bill? Yup, you guessed it: global warming. And some wonder why governments of all levels are pushing climate change, despite its crumbling “evidence.”

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