Wednesday, February 17, 2010

C3: The IPCC CO2 Growth Predictions: Manipulated To Create Political Alarm or Just "Out of This World"?
Unless atmospheric CO2 levels jump to a new growth rate immediately, the "Twilight Zone" IPCC climate science will continue to implode.
Where are the Conservative Solutions to Climate Change? | Environment |
...please help me to understand something: Why aren't conservatives more into fighting global warming?
4 Favorite Climate Change Deniers | Erik Vance, Berkeley |
...not everybody who opposes major tenets of prevailing climate theories is either corrupt or a total nutcase. Just, you know, a lot of them.
There is an old business maxim that goes, "If selling snake oil doesn't work out, you can always try climate denial." If there's not, well then there should be.
Twitter / XIANITY
CLIMATE: Al Gore treated for repetitive stress syndrome apparently caused by hitting the delete key in Apple® Keynote®
Iceberg City | Ice Stories: Dispatches From Polar Scientists
The Antarctic ice sheet is always accumulating new snow that gradually turns to ice. For the ice sheet to remain the same size it must either melt or release ice to the ocean as icebergs.
Many of the icebergs here off Wilkes Land came from the Ross Ice Shelf – the world’s largest ice shelf. It is over 1500 km away in the Ross Sea but icebergs travel great distances in the Southern Ocean. The water is cold and they drift with the ocean currents, for decades in some cases.
The biggest iceberg we’ve seen was over 20 km long.
We’ve seen over 400 icebergs in the past 2 days.

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