Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The bitter clingers of the Global Warming movement
Another psychological phenomenon affecting the rank and file Global Warmer is the disturbing fact that they so angrily react to what should be good news. If one genuinely fears that global warming is destroying the planet, why then wouldn’t one be ecstatic about new facts or research that seriously questions the global warming hypothesis? Why do these people react to news that should be welcomed as positive with rage and anger? Shouldn’t they be relieved? It’s kind of like reacting with anger to the fact that a second and third medical opinion has determined that you aren’t suffering from terminal lung cancer after all. This is where the religious cult aspect of the global warming movement comes in. These people react the same way that religious zealots react to someone questioning their beliefs. It’s like cult members reacting to proof that their leader is a fraud; if adequately brainwashed, the cult members will blindly defend their cult leader at all costs regardless of indisputable proof or logic.
Editorial - With Stakes This High -
Disclosures of isolated errors and exaggerations in the 2007 report from the United Nations panel on climate change do not undermine its main finding: that the planet has been warming gradually for more than a century and that human activity is largely responsible. But the misstatements have handed climate skeptics a public relations boost.
EU Referendum: Mirror image
That's the weakness with these idiots. They tend to read – and believe – their own propaganda. They rarely pop over the fence to see what the opposition is doing.
Global warming: Are political body blows distorting science?
The website Climate Audit has been checking the math of scientific papers put out by climate scientists. The site owner, Steve McIntyre, has repeatedly found errors in how they analyse and use data. (They got so scared of him they started breaking the law on Freedom of Information requests and told each other to delete emails in the scandal that became Climategate.)

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