Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shout down the sceptics: David Whitcombe
Climate change sceptics are really making my unborn grandchildren angry. Just when we thought the science was in and we could start focusing on action to avoid the massive environmental, social and economic costs of global warming, along come the climate-science deniers to muddy the waters.

Now we are arguing over a few emails and a typo in the latest Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change report.
Rare ABC News TV Debate: Climate Depot Vs. Center For Am. Progress -- 'UN IPCC was a political organization masquerading as a science group. It's been exposed' | Climate Depot
Weiss: Blizzards are 'consistent with what scientists had predicted' -- Morano Response: 'It's consistent with climate astrology, basically it's a horoscope...You should be embarrassed'
YouTube - What does Average Temperature Mean Part 2
To get regional and global view of temperature, dataset are combined and massaged to get the average graphs that depict a warming planet. But is this valid? I'll show why it is not with specific examples. This practice must end because inventing data and combining data is creating data that does not exist.
A Dog Named Kyoto: EPA battle heats up
If Obama and the Dems think they can accomplish by regulation what they cannot achieve by legislation, they may find out it ain't going to be that easy.
[Check out this gallery of global warming propaganda]
Checkout this amazing advertisement posters about the effect of global warming.

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