Wednesday, February 17, 2010

[Climate fraud promoter] Tim Wirth Analyzes IPCC's 'Climategate' | Clean Skies
[12 minute video] Clean Skies News talks to Former Colorado Senator Tim Wirth, President of the United Nations Foundation, about the recent criticism of the IPCC for analyzing how fast the Himalayan glaciers could melt and the potential damage done to the group's reputation because of its reports.
Palo Alto Hit By Power Outage; Related To Plane Crash; Tesla Confirms 3 Execs Killed (Updated) - Tech Trader Daily -

The worst cold snap for 20 years is turning Britain's lawns PINK | Mail Online
Gardeners all around Britain are receiving a nasty surprise when the snow melts to reveal their lawns have turned pink.

Gardens from Surrey to Scotland have been ruined by snow mould in the worst outbreak of the fungal disease for more than 20 years.
Thomas Friedman Misguidedly Talks “Global Weirding,” Again | Mediaite
Thomas Friedman might be the New York Times’ most-ridiculed columnist.
Friedman’s problems begin when he advocates widespread adoption of the term “global weirding” in place of “global warming” or “climate change.” The first problem is that this term barely outpaces “lamestream media” on the Juvenile-O-Meter. The second is that he already advocated for this term – and was criticized for it then – two years ago. NYT Picker singled him out last year for repeating himself almost verbatim, and it appears here he did something similar.
- Will Scientists Come Clean on Global Warming?
The case for the documented global warming and, separately, the theory of what role mankind may have placed in any such warming, has moved well past the point where advocates can simply lean on their credentials and expect the public to acquiesce to their claims. They are asking for the citizens of the industrialized world to put their prosperity on the chopping block for a sake of a theory which is no longer as plausible at it might have seemed a year ago. This development is not the fault of skeptics, but of the theory’s advocates whose pattern of behavior has brought them to this end.

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