Wednesday, February 17, 2010

YouTube - Trump: Companies Now See That Global Warming Is a Con; China & India Laugh at Our Green Stupidity

Global Warming Hacks Can’t Get Their Stories Straight
I have to admit, even as scandal after scandal rocked these quacks, almost on a weekly basis, I was extremely skeptical about what effect it would have on them. There are trillions of dollars invested in this, entire industries have sprung up, and a new derivatives market has emerged. They’re not just going to walk away from it all. Because all of the aforementioned means nothing in their grand scheme of things. What it’s really about is eugenics. Control. Their own social order, social engineering. Their human ant farm. But with Phil Jones coming out and all but admitting the whole thing was a fraud and a lie, I think it’s safe to say that if we keep the pressure on them, the whole sham of a fraud is dead.
Climate Crackup - Ronald Bailey - Reason Magazine
A breakdown in Copenhagen saves a divided world from carbon rationing.
On December 18, the Copenhagen climate change conference collapsed. Heads of state from about 120 countries had flocked to the Danish capital, anticipating a historic photo op that would lead future generations to lionize them as visionary saviors who rescued the planet from the menace of man-made global warming. Instead the world’s leaders participated in an embarrassing diplomatic flop.
PSU students turn up the heat on Climategate Prof - matthewhurtt’s Diary - RedState
Settle organized a protest last Friday to turn up the heat on Penn State, calling for an independent investigation of the professor, citing the 10-page internal investigation as “not what he expects from a major research university” according to The Daily Collegian’s account. Recognizing Penn State’s conflict of interest, Settle asserted, “At some point, you just get too close to something to see it anymore.”

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