Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Donald Trump Picks Apart Green Jobs Push - Neil Cavuto | Your World -
CAVUTO: First off, on these companies pulling out of this, maybe they're catching on to something you had warned about. What do you make of this?

TRUMP: Well, I don't blame them. They probably see the e-mail that was sent a couple of months ago by one of the leaders of global warming, the initiative, and almost saying — I guess they're saying it's a con.
I watched as one of the big representatives from China was talking about global warming, and I know that, underneath, he's laughing, because I know a lot of people, a lot of entrepreneurs and businesspeople from China, they laugh at our stupidity as a country.
Climate-Research Controversies Create Opening for Critics -
Dr. Willie Soon, a professor at Harvard University, believes that changing levels of solar radiation, especially the amount that hits the Arctic, are driving huge, slow changes in the earth's climate—much as they did in past centuries. The theory rests on the fact that the sun emits different amounts of energy at different times.

George Kukla, a retired professor at Columbia University, says even longer-term climate cycles explain the current warming trend. His work is based on the idea that ice ages and warmer interglacial periods are driven by periodic variations in earth's orbit around the sun, known as the Milankovich cycle after the scientist who studied them.
Part 2: A Scientist’s Defense of Greenhouse Warming - Dot Earth Blog -
[Believer Andrew A. Lacis of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies] The bottom line is that CO2 is absolutely, positively, and without question, the single most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. It acts very much like a control knob that determines the overall strength of the Earth’s greenhouse effect. Failure to control atmospheric CO2 is a bad way to run a business, and a surefire ticket to climatic disaster.
EU Referendum: Compassion fraud
There is something particularly loathsome about exploiting other peoples' misery to pursue an agenda, while ignoring others because it does not fit with the narrative. In doing this, Oxfam has crossed the line. Alongside the climate specialists who are committing scientific fraud, we now have a British charity committing compassion fraud. Can it sink any lower?

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