Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Boulton Bio Watch « Climate Audit
Well, it now turns out that he worked at East Anglia until 1986, with his contemporary academic publications stating his affiliation as “University of East Anglia”?

Why would he say that he only worked until 1980 when he worked until 1986? And why would he underline that this was 30 years ago, when nobody at the press conference would have cared one way or another about whether he left in 1980 or 1986?
PJTV - Specials - Climategate’s Frost/Nixon Moment: Steven Mosher Follows The FOIA
[11 minute video] Steven Mosher, author of Climategate: The CRUtape Letters, gives Bill Whittle the latest on the UK scandal: sloppy science, damage control, and the bunker mentality of warmer white coats. It’s the story the MSM on both sides of the pond doesn’t want you to know.
What Strange Snowstorms Say About Global Warming : Discovery News
That kind of oversimplification is dishonest no matter whether it's climate skeptics or environmentalists who indulge in it. It only serves to prop up the "debate" about global warming; something that should have been dead a long time ago. It's time to move on.
An unraveling climate [swindle] coalition? -
Global warming skeptics are delighted at defections from a high-profile lobbying group
What's apparent, however, is that reducing greenhouse gas emissions was never the real reason for these companies joining the Climate Action Partnership to begin with. It was all about getting a piece of the action.

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