Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Reference Frame: Climate CzechGate: Prague's Clementinum censored
It's plausible that the Clementinum data actually show that there's been no statistically significant warming in all of Central Europe for 200 years.
Exodus From Climate Change Bandwagon Begins en Masse [Updated]
There will be more of this; withdrawals from feel-good coalitions to save mankind from something that doesn’t exist…and the lawsuits needed to begin unraveling years of the mess our politicians and activists have made. Someday there will be legislation enacted to make things right, though Politicians with the will to see it through might not be in any hurry. It’s going to take many successful litigations from the private sector and many billions of dollars in Jury awards, but we’ll get there.

BP, Conoco, and Caterpillar…to name a few…are betting on it.
Tim Ball: PCC Corruption Included Ignoring Facts and Science
Watch the Richter Scale as Politicians Jump Off the IPCC Wagon

Jones only concedes some points but they are enough from the high priest of the CRU and IPCC to completely destroy its credibility. What will the sycophants and exploiters like Gore and the Mainstream Media do now? What about politicians who based positions and policy on environment and energy on the IPCC? What about the massive scams of Cap And Trade? What about the extreme environmental groups who have bullied and preached from the moral high ground? What about the scientists who took vehement positions without understanding? It is a very sad day for science, the people and the world.
Urban Heat Island Effect proven to corrupt Aussie climate data | CLIMATEGATE
We are delighted to showcase this latest study by Graham Dick that is set to add spice to the already hot debate over Australian surface temperatures. This analysis explodes the mainstream myth that urban heat island (UHI) temperature contamination has no effect on the Aussie temperature record. Australiagate is now a raging torrent bursting through the climate floodgates.

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