Thursday, February 18, 2010

The doubters do disservice to climate facts - The Globe and Mail
The science of climate change is inexact. It is about uncertainty and probabilities. Based on the evidence, a criminal lawyer would not be able to prove that humans are responsible for potentially catastrophic climate change. But the evidence [what evidence, specifically?] would certainly nail down a civil conviction.

If the vast bulk of evidence says climate change is real and that humans are almost certainly to blame, why is the science being dismissed as exaggerated, unreliable or even fraudulent by the climate change doubters?
USA - Harsh winter hits farmers
Delmarva's poultry industry is feeling the effects of the weekend snow storm that blasted the region, reports the Associated Press.
University of Delaware extension specialist Bill Brown says at least 12 poultry houses in Delaware and on Maryland's Eastern Shore have collapsed under the weight of snow. The snow also has interrupted feed and propane deliveries, putting chickens at risk of dying from hunger or exposure.
Brown says the loss of buildings and chickens can be measured in the millions of dollars, and another expected snowstorm could make matters worse.
Sweden counts cost of winter snowfalls - The Local
The Swedish met office, SMHI, has forecast more snowfalls for the coming weeks in most parts of the country as the coldest winter in memory continues to keep the whole of Sweden blanketed in white.
Obama Administration Will Not Give Up the Global Warming Lie
RUSH: The Big Lie. Jane Lubchenco of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Obama administration. Not only did Phil Jones say there hadn't been any warming between '95 and the present. He also pointed out that the hockey stick graph (of this fraud scientist from Penn State, Michael Mann) was also wrong, that there was medieval warming, much warmer than it is today. The whole thing's a hoax, folks, but they're not going to give it up. Because it's not about global warming, and it's not about "saving the planet." It's because advancing socialism, Marxism, whatever you want to call it; expanding government and taking away people's freedom and liberty and raising their taxes and making you feel guilty and responsible for all of this destruction that has taken place.
» Tom ‘I, Me, Mine’ Friedman Responds to the Global Warming Deniers, Hilarity Ensues - Chris Horner - Big Journalism
The New York Times’ leading in-house global warming obsessive, Thomas Friedman, has quite a column today. It is more a tantrum, really, as so many of his offerings have verged on being of late, if one that I find, even for him, remarkably detached. Maybe it’s that possible conflict of interest — I’m not talking about the 7.5 bathroom Bethesda mansion with no visible signs of windmills marring the vista of Mr. “I am a clean-energy hawk...

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