Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tim Ball: Governments Plan for Warming Based On Corrupt IPCC Science
There is no need for any government action on CO2, global warming or climate change. But as usual governments are making the situation worse as they waste billions preparing for warming when cooling is the future. The misdirection is caused by the corrupted science of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change particularly their omission of major solar changes.
C3: Scandinavian Roman & Medieval HOT Periods: Yes, EU Regions Were Warmer With Less CO2
Read here. If one has a need for bullet points for a PowerPoint presentation on how warm it was in Scandinavia during historical periods, when CO2 levels were below current levels, then this article is all you need. - Power bills to surge by £300 a year
Thomas Lyon, energy expert at, warned: “Prices are on average 68 per cent higher than in 2006 and this will come as a shock to many.”
Global Warming Meltdown?
It is hard for me not to be furious with these people, who sucked up so much money and so much political power for themselves, slandering anyone who dared call their data and conclusions into question. I still encounter friends who sermonize and lecture me about how it’s merely “denial” and “the science is settled.” I’m genuinely angry about this, most especially with the cowardly press and the cowardly political class.
Moonbattery: Three More Forks Stuck into Global Warming
The message of the ConocoPhillips, BP America, and Caterpillar pull-out is clear: We don't want to risk our businesses on a conspiracy built by liars and huxsters who consider believers as malleable rubes. Cap-and-Trade is simply Crap-and-Tax, and would be the death knell for businesses and the economy.
Federal global-warming office a bad idea - Washington Times
It would appear that relying on NOAA or any of its affiliates to be repositories of accurate climate data may be akin to allowing the fox to guard the henhouse.

Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment
More cold days, frigid nights ahead in Palm Beach County, Treasure Coast
We're waking in Palm Beach County to temperatures in the 40s, but feel like the 30s when you account for wind chill.

Those in the Treasure Coast have wind chills in the low 30s - cold enough to prompt the National Weather Service to issue a wind chill advisory for the morning.
» Condition Red: Obama Attempts to Turn the Defense Department Green - Big Journalism
We can expect climate change to permeate all future assessments and reports from the DoD. We can predict that money best used to train and equip will be diverted to nonsensical “green projects” at DoD facilities. Readiness will suffer but we will have solar and wind power on airbases and efficient windows in Marine barracks. We may not be able to track a freighter carrying a nuclear warhead from North Korea, but we will know if the ice in remote arctic regions is melting.

Every moment the military wastes on climate posturing is a moment taken from the defense of this country. Every dollar the DoD spends on climate change will be a dollar stolen from that vital defense mission. When, not if, we are attacked again, the Obama administration will have much to answer for, especially if our military was forced to waste valuable time on climate change when they could have been doing their real jobs.

1 comment:

Review said...

Solid evidence from Tim Ball ended the argument. Here is the one real scientific article on atmosphere by Tim Ball, and he proves it all here, summarizing a lifetime of his work. This is a published paper.

Ball, T. Book Review, Agricultural Dimensions of Global Climate Change, Ed. HM Kaiser and TE Drennen. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 42 (2): 212-214, (1994).

quotation -

"...For example, carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources increased the most from 1940 to 1980 while global temperature decreased. Atmospheric carbon dioxide readings plummeted at Mauna Loa in the last two years."

by Tim Ball.