Thursday, February 18, 2010

More Snowstorms? and Winter '09-'10: Season of records
Like it or not, many of you will be getting another snowstorm in the not too distant future. The storm will cause accumulating snow through the Central states Saturday night and Sunday then push into the Ohio Valley and East early next week.
Climategate: Seven Hard Questions from the Case Study of the Fall of Enron (will the AAAS panel consider them?) — MasterResource
...You were a consultant for me at Enron for several years on climate science and watched the fall of the company with great interest. So I would like to challenge you to interpret Climategate in terms of the fall of Enron.

Here are some themes from Enron to consider applying:

1) Slippery slopes where small deviations from best practices escalated into problems that were not anticipated at the beginning of the process.
Can We Sue Algore for Fraud?
[CALLER]: ...isn't there some way to bring people like Algore up on charges of fraud over this global warming thing?

RUSH: At some point I think this is going to happen.

CALLER: Well, we got trillions in fraud in the so-called green technology, and it's even reached fraudulent legislation with the lightbulbs that you were just talking about, not to mention cap and trade, which is far from dead, and the needless deaths that have occurred in these so-called hybrid cars that people have been duped into buying.
Climate change department sends staff on hundreds of domestic flights - Telegraph
The Government department set up to tackle climate change has paid for more than 1,000 internal flights around Britain despite telling the public to cut down on air travel.
But last year officials from DECC took just under 1,200 domestic flights, including 26 return flights to Manchester that can be reached in two-and-a-half hours by train.
Staff from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), that also urges the public to fly less, took 1,938 domestic flights in 2008/09.

The Government spent £35,000 on offsetting the flights, for example by paying for trees to be planted, and insisted all internal flights are kept to a minimum.

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