Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ministers lavished £9m on climate change stunts... but public opinion is left cold by global warming 'propaganda' | Mail Online
A disastrous series of failed climate change publicity stunts cost taxpayers £9million, it emerged yesterday.

The projects paid for by the Government’s Climate Challenge Fund did next to nothing to change public opinion, a Whitehall report found.

It said the initiatives were almost entirely preaching to the converted and that trying to drum up interest through sensationalism only put people off.
Penny Wong: defender of Copenhagen, climate science and the IPCC | Australian Climate Madness
UPDATE: The whole speech is here in all its robotic tedium, and as predicted recycles all the alarmist BS that we've heard before, including the old canard of comparing climate realists with those who question the link between smoking and cancer, which personally I find deeply offensive.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: RMS on the "Mystery Graph": Should Not Have Been Included
In short, RMS has now independently confirmed that the IPCC willfully miscited the graph to avoid a publication deadline and admits that the IPCC shouldn't have included the graph in the first place, because it was misleading. Not good for the IPCC.
Re: Green Jobs in a Nutshell - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Following up this hilarious item on the Vancouver Olympics' electric ice-resurfacers: They're shipping a real Zamboni to Vancouver from Calgary, 422 miles away.

I guess the carbon footprint of the ice-cleaning machine isn't so much of a concern any more.
In his column today, Tom Friedman of the New York Times wonders whether "we can have a serious discussion about the climate-energy issue anymore." From our end, we believe the answer is yes.
After two years of stonewalling, NASA GISS FOIA files are now online « Watts Up With That?
Quietly — on New Year’s Eve 2009 — NASA finally provided the documents:

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