Friday, February 19, 2010

Drax power plant suspends plan to replace coal with greener fuel - Times Online
Britain’s biggest power station has suspended its plan to replace coal with greener fuel, leaving the Government little chance of meeting its target for renewable energy.
[I love this headline]: "Penguins in Antarctica to be replaced by jellyfish due to global warming" - Telegraph

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Toward the bottom of the penguins will be replace by jellyfish story it says,
The census began in 2005 and will provide the benchmark for future studies on how the diverse sea-floor creatures living in Antarctica's waters will respond to predicted climate change.

"Will provide the benchmark" which means this is a first of it's kind survey.

So how does Huw Griffiths of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) know that six-inch-long invertebrates are being replaced by smaller crustaceans?