Thursday, February 18, 2010

Global warming investigation: Led by Inspector Clouseau?
Russell has painted his team into a corner right at the outset. Anyone--skeptic, lukewarmer, independent--who does not salute the global warming flag is going to be--well, skeptical--of anything this panel puts out.

You don't start trying to find the truth by telling lies.
World’s biggest coal company brings U.S. government to court in climate fraud | CLIMATEGATE
The world’s largest private sector coal business, the Peabody Energy Company (PEC) has filed a mammoth 240-page “Petition for Reconsideration,” a full-blown legal challenge against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The petition must be answered and covers the entire body of leaked emails from ‘Climategate’ as well as those other ‘gate’ revelations including the frauds allegedly perpetrated under such sub-headings as ‘Himalayan Glaciers,’ ‘African Agricultural Production,’ ‘Amazon Rain Forests,’ ‘Melting Mountain Ice,’ ‘Netherlands Below Sea Level’ as well as those much-publicized abuses of the peer-review literature and so called ‘gray literature.’ These powerful litigants also draw attention to the proven criminal conduct by climate scientists in refusing to honor Freedom of Information law (FOIA) requests.
Moreover, PEC is demanding that the EPA shall convene a full evidentiary hearing as a part of such reconsideration. If this element of the petition were granted it is highly probable that the weight of the new evidence now freely available since Climategate would expose the criminal and fraudulent component within the science of man-made global warming, and would likely succeed in having all the EPA’s findings on carbon dioxide invalidated.

Thereby, from accomplishing their civil task Peabody will lend further weight to the likelihood of criminal charges being brought against those individuals implicated in international fraud on the largest scale ever known.
Think Progress » McCain Falsely Claims He Has ‘Never Favored’ Capping Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Yesterday, a local Arizona conservative talk radio host told McCain that “80 percent” of global warming science “is based on fraud and misinformation.” Despite having previously refuted such nonsense publicly, McCain again remained silent. Pandering to the far right, the Arizona senator later said he “never” supported capping carbon emissions:
Q: If we knew then what we know today about these scientists and this fraud, would you still be in favor of capping carbon emissions at 2000 levels?

MCCAIN: I’ve never favored it at a certain level. I’ve favored reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the good of — I mean we all know that greenhouse gases are bad! But I’ve said, in order to achieve that we have to have nuclear power as a component of it.
Snowshoe, West Virginia tops 184" for season so far
I happened to look at the Snowshoe resort in West Virginia and how they were doing for snow totals this winter season. Amazingly, they have picked up a rather impressive 184 inches...
EU Referendum: Diminishing returns
As for the "gates", without political engagement, we are approaching the point of diminishing returns. Every new finding has less shock value, and soon enough the media will run out of steam – and interest. After their brief flurry, they will move on.

However, with Pachauri refusing to move, the IPCC is fatally wounded. Things will never be the same again. The warmist creed is on the wane and, eventually, the politicians will catch up, and bow to the inevitable.
Richard Branson launches civic carbon challenge
Sir Richard Branson’s Carbon War Room ramped up its climate-change battle Wednesday in Vancouver with a call to civic governments to become global leaders in cutting fossil fuel emissions.
Blog: travel dispatches
But as I settled down in my Upper Class flat bed to catch up on the latest film releases, and then whizzed by gas-guzzling humvee, private jet and speedboat to Branson’s Bond-style private island, green guilt nagged me in a trail of CO2.

Necker Island is just as you would imagine it – crystal-clear waters, bountiful bougainvillea, lavish villas in a Balinese style, top-notch food and facilities and a staff of beautiful, blonde, bronzed twenty-somethings. Branson was all smiles, deep tan and easy charm despite the jet-lag-induced fug of flying straight from Washington where he had addressed the Senate urging them to join the Kyoto agreement.

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