Thursday, February 18, 2010

- 2004-2009 World Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming - Viewsflow
This figure tracks newspaper coverage of climate change or global warming in 50 newspapers across 20 countries and 6 continents.
Green schools resolution advances: Lawmakers drop reference to climate change.
However, Rep. John Mathis, R-Vernal, questioned the section referencing climate change and moved to strike that part of the non-binding resolution.

"I don't have a problem with making our schools as safe as they can be and energy-efficient," Mathis said. "But I don't buy into the climate change theory and I don't think that CO2 is a pollutant in any way."

His motion passed on a 7-2 vote.
A Sea of Icebergs | Ice Stories: Dispatches From Polar Scientists
ABOARD THE JOIDES RESOLUTION, OFF THE COAST OF WILKES LAND, ANTARCTICA– We drilled for about 18 hours at the latest site but ran into stormy weather and had to move far offshore to get away from some huge icebergs coming our way. We were in a sea of icebergs — at least 100 icebergs in the vicinity, and the wind started to blow up to 70 knots and waves reached 30 feet.
Obama's Propaganda Scientist
[RUSH]: The bottom has fallen out of this, and yet Obama's NOAA administrator is out there still promulgating a hoax, promulgating a lie. I think this Lubchenco woman needs to resign. She's not fazed in the least after learning Dr. Jones is a fraud! So she got another question. "One last word. What is your reaction to the growing sense around the country, perhaps even around the world, that global warming is a hoax?"

LUBCHENCO: Climate change is underway. It's happening now. It is resulting in many changes that will affect the way people live and do business. And the fact that (clearing throat) we are getting more and more requests for information about droughts, about future heat waves, about air quality, forest fires, sea level rise inundating coasts --

RUSH: Wait a minute, stop the tape. She just said "weather is not climate," didn't she? And now she's citing a bunch of weather phenomena to suggest that there's warming. She said, "heat waves, forest fires, sea level rise inundating coasts." Does this woman not know that the hoaxers have pretty much come clean?
Twitter / Andy Steel
Global warming skeptics are wrong to cite any one storm or even season's worth of storms to prove or disprove the science of climate change
2005: Laurie David: Katrina: The Unnatural Natural Disaster
As the country continues to dissect the recent natural disaster, we might want to start considering what about the disaster wasn’t actually “natural” at all.
As the mayor of New Orleans cried, “S.O.S.” The screams can’t be any louder.

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