Thursday, February 18, 2010

Twitter / Brad Johnson
The handful of "highly credentialed climate scientists" who question AGW have published nothing to refute it. Cuz it's real.
Popular 500 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming
The following papers support skepticism of "man-made" global warming or the environmental or economic effects of.
Global warming skeptics increase ranks in wake of IPCC reports
Nordhaus doubts that Brits — or Americans — have actually changed their minds about global warming, or that the number of skeptics has grown as a result of recent news stories.
Global Warming Dead-Enders Imitate Gilligan’s Island
Decades after Japan surrendered to conclude World War II, legend persisted of abandoned Japanese soldiers scattered across the Pacific, fighting a war they’d already lost.

This week, desperate global warming alarmists did a brilliant imitation amid record winter storms.
News : Study shows state would suffer from cap-and-trade : Sidney Herald, Sidney, Montana
Montana’s future looks grim if federal climate change legislation is enacted. On Thursday, the Bozeman-based think tank Montana Policy Institute and the American Council for Capital Formation released a study that revealed Montana could lose between 4,964 and 6,761 jobs by 2030.

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