Thursday, February 18, 2010

[John Coleman lists some climate realists]
Here is our list. If you Google each of these people and read their blogs, website, papers and bios, you will get a whale of an education
C3: The History of "Consensus" Science Failure - IPCC's AGW (CO2) Hypothesis is Doomed
It's pretty obvious to most that the CO2-based AGW hypothesis is without legs and close to total collapse, much like past "consensus" science fiascoes.
The frightening prospect is that the global warming grant-funded scientists and institutions will continue to prop up this stumbling, beaten global-warming idiot, thus causing even more delay in addressing the real climate change problems and important environmental issues.
Climate Change Of Pace -
If medieval warming wasn't manmade, then the recent warming may not be either.

There have been a lot of well-kept secrets among the global warmists--which is primarily why the so-called "Climategate" stolen e-mails proved such a scandal. They showed that, in addition to squelching dissenters, the warmists were admitting things to each other that they were denying to the public. They felt, as a Jack Nicholson character put it, "You can't handle the truth!"
The lies of Aussie Climate Minister, Penny ‘Wrong’ | CLIMATEGATE
Wong somehow kept a straight face when she told the crowd: “Climate change [is] happening more quickly than we previously thought.”

Wong was addressing the first national forum on coasts and climate change in Adelaide and promulgating all the usual doomsaying myths for her dwindling band of climate cult followers that global temperatures are fast rising and sea levels, as a consequence, will rise by a meter this century.
Another IT Theory on Climategate « the Air Vent
Diagram showing how SwiftHack archive was created (as I understand it)
EU Referendum: Saving the planet
...Apparently a qualified physician, he is no longer wasting his time treating patients. Instead, he is now working with renal units "to look at existing approaches that aim to reduce carbon emissions, and to develop sustainable models of kidney care," busily "undertaking carbon modelling of clinical pathways."

The cost of this one-year project, we are told, is a mere £135,700.00, including VAT and a provision for £20,000 for "footprinting work".

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