Thursday, February 18, 2010

Public sector managers know little about carbon [swindle] targets | Public Finance
There is widespread ignorance in the public sector about climate change and the need to cut down energy use, according to research published today.

A survey of public sector managers carried out by CIPFA revealed that 78% had either vague or no knowledge of the Carbon Reduction Commitment energy efficiency scheme, or had never heard of it, even though the emissions trading mechanism, which will start this April, will cover most larger public sector organisations.
AFP: Pakistan avalanche kills 20, 30 buried: police
Last week in Afghanistan, 170 people were killed when massive avalanches of snow crashed onto a crowded road on a treacherous mountain pass in the Hindu Kush, in one of the war-torn country's worst such natural disasters.

This month, avalanches killed 21 Indian soldiers in Kashmir.
Global Warming Debate Is Not Over, Climategate Figure Admits
Phil Jones, the disgraced former director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, admitted in an interview with BBC News that "the vast majority of climate scientists" do not believe the debate over global warming is over. Politicians ranging from President Barack Obama, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and former vice president Al Gore regularly claim "the debate is over."
Lawrence Solomon: Vindication -- Dutch global warming denier "was right after all" - FP Comment
De Telegraaf, the Netherlands' largest daily newspaper, has totally vindicated the country's most prominent global warming denier in a prominent article entitled "Henk Tennekes - He was right after all."

Tennekes was the director of the Netherlands Meteorological Institute, KNMI, until the early 1990s, when his skepticism of the climate science coming out of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change led to his forced resignation. A translation into English of De Telegraaf's vindication appears here.

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