Thursday, February 18, 2010

John Coleman’s next TV special airs tonight « Watts Up With That?
In a follow-up to the hit KUSI show “Global Warming: The Other Side”, iconic weatherman John Coleman documents the latest developments in Climategate. “Global Warming: Meltdown” airs Thursday at 9pm PT on KUSI-TV in San Diego and on KUSI.COM
American Thinker: Obama's Stone Age
Trillions are being spent, and no one is sure what exactly we are getting for it. The global warming junk science hoax is one of the big winners of government largess, despite the daily revelations that reinforce that it is all a hoax, the largest fraud in human history. Despite the increasing evidence and public awareness of this hoax, Barack Obama is working full speed ahead in snowbound Washington, D.C. with his plan to redistribute the West's wealth to third-world nations in an attempt to halt this chimerical "global warming."

Billions for graft and corruption and fraud, but nothing for the future discovery and the progress of mankind.
Opinion: Global Warming Scandals Offer Opportunity for Progress - AOL News
Despite the recent controversies, the undisputed data provided by scientific bodies around the world show that we already are very close to the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere that will increase temperatures by a critical amount.

Now is the time not to slow our efforts to stop global warming, but to accelerate and improve them.

Dr. Robert Shapiro is chairman of the U.S. Climate [Hoax] Task Force (C[H]TF)...
The US was experiencing one of its worst droughts on record two years ago, but now it is the wettest its been since 1999 - ABC News, only about 7 percent of the country is experiencing drought conditions, down from a peak of close to 50 percent in August 2007.

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