Thursday, February 18, 2010

[With less than 260 days until the November elections]: Republicans Lead Democrats by Nine in Generic Ballot
Republican candidates lead Democrats by nine points in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.
The latest numbers highlight a remarkable change in the political environment during 2009. When President Obama was inaugurated, Democrats enjoyed a seven-point advantage on the Generic Ballot.
In pictures: Yvo de Boer's career as UN climate [con] chief | Environment |
The 2007 UN climate summit in Bali, Indonesia. As talks drag on, De Boer buries his face in his hands – and ultimately had to be led from the chamber in tears. The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon (left), and Indonesian president, Susilo Bambang (right), look on – not entirely sympathetically. De Boer's tears 'helped force US negotiators into a crucial compromise'
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Policy Impact of IPCC Misdirection
The bottom line is that there is no scientific evidence linking rising global temperatures to the increasing catastrophe losses around the world. Ironically enough including the paper cited by Wong to suggest the opposite. Despite this fact, and the obvious IPCC misrepresentations on this subject, Australia's Penny Wong concludes:
There may well be dispute about the cost of catastrophes, but the science on the link between these catastrophes and climate change has not been credibly challenged.
Score that as one fully duped policy maker by the IPCC's spin and misdirection.
Penny Wong signals doom for iconic beaches | The Australian
Bondi veteran Lee Boman has swum at the beach for more than 30 years and was adamant he had seen "no change" to the coastline over that period. "Nothing too drastic that indicates it is going to be changed in the future," said Mr Boman, 53.

Bob Carter, a geologist and environmental scientist with James Cook University in Queensland, said Senator Wong's comments appeared to be an attempt to panic the public.
Dr Carter said: "Have you noticed Bondi beach being destroyed in the past 100 years by that rise?"

He said that in some areas around the Australian coast, the sea level was actually getting lower.
Works and Days » Where Did Our Real Wealth Go?
Where did all the wealth go? Modern Western society is in some sense becoming drone-like, its entitled sensitive citizens assuming ceremonial roles and attitudes about the very landscape they inherited from their industrious predecessors.

Here in California we idle farmland, though we have the water, expertise, and soil to produce far more food than we do. We put vast swaths of both land and sea off limits to gas and oil production, though we could produce far more petroleum and natural gas than we do. We snub nuclear power, though our population steadily increases and its desire for electronic appurtenance grows, not shrinks. We like “wilderness areas” (who doesn’t?) where we build no roads, harvest no timber, and build no damns. We strangle Silicon Valley with all sorts of labor and business regulations until it fabricates and outsources abroad. In other words, we are creating no real new sources of concrete wealth as we nuance the shrinking capital we inherited.

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