Monday, March 15, 2010

- Bishop Hill blog - Judith Curry in Discover
[Q] Are you saying that the scientific community, through the IPCC, is asking the world to restructure its entire mode of producing and consuming energy and yet hasn’t done a scientific uncertainty analysis?
[Curry] Yes.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu Urges Swift Climate Change [Scam] Policy
In his speech, the DOE secretary additionally announced $154 million in governmental grants to fund NRG Energy, Inc.’s carbon sequestration and storage facility in Texas which will aid the United States in furthering its goal of a clean energy economy.
#21) MARC MORANO SUMMARY: DO NOT DEBATE (unless you are a professional comedian) | The Benshi
Do not debate Marc Morano.

I could fill a few pages explaining why. But let me put it simply. I interviewed him in 2007 for my movie “Sizzle: A Global Warming Comedy.” He’s a great communicator, but is not bounded by the truth. I put this on display in my film when he claimed that all the predictions of environmental doom of the 1970’s didn’t come true, including the demise of the oceans. The oceans are my one area of scientific/environmental expertise. I stopped him on that point. He didn’t argue, but instead replied, “Well, they’re not dead.” Case closed.

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