Monday, March 15, 2010

[Can we prevent hurricanes by convincing people to eat more chicken?]: The two-chicken global warming solution | Yahoo! Green
* Eat poultry in place of red meat two days per week.

That's right, you don't have to be a vegetarian. And you don't have to raise your own chickens. Just eating lower on the food chain has a huge impact on your individual climate impact (even if the commentators on Fox Business News doubted the assertion when The Daily Green suggested it).

Of course, the challenge, as always, is to inspire mass action on these types of simple actions. That's the heart of the report by the NRDC and the Garrison Institute's Climate Mind Behavior Project. It's probably self-evident, but the purpose of the project is to "integrate emerging research findings about what drives human behavior into new thinking on climate solutions."
Al Gore's back: 'Gearing up for a grassroots nationwide effort to influence lawmakers' as Obama Bucks Dems, Backs Cheney on Energy | Climate Depot
Details are not Al Gore's friend. Climate data specifics are only the latest hard-data to bite the former Vice President and his allies. That's because Gore and his buddies are much less pro-environment then they are anti-Republican. For groups like Repower America and the Sierra Club, it's imperative that wiggle room to be built into their eco-rantings -- their survival depends on it.
The Reference Frame: Wind turbines will add up to 0.15 °C to global mean temperature
Even if wind turbines produce only 10% of the electricity consumed in 2100, their effect will translate to 1 °C of warming locally but, because of the extended effect of the local changes, it will also add 0.15 °C to the global mean temperature.

You can see that the temperature increase per one dollar obtained in this way is much greater than the increase linked the greenhouse effect coming from CO2 produced by the burning of fossil fuels that produces the same 1 dollar.

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