Monday, March 15, 2010

The Hockey Schtick: Global Sea Level Change Redux
It's Deja Vu all over again, but this time the highly questionable "adjustments" are not to temperature records, but to satellite sea level altimetry data.
Climate Mitigation: Costs versus Benefits (reassessing Robert Frank’s call for policy action) — MasterResource
All I am pointing out is that the standard alarmist claims–as typified by Robert Frank–do not enjoy nearly as much evidence as their most vocal proponents would have us believe.

To take apart the case for climate alarmism, we don’t need to embrace the research of the “denialists.” We only need to look at the government and IPCC’s own reports.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Need Some Help on Alternative Energy Subsidies
Next week I am on a panel talking about alternative energy. These guys have already told me they don’t want to re-fight the global warming science battle at this venue, and my guess is that there will be a lot of pragmatist corporate types who won’t really care about individual liberty or role-of-government issues — they will only care if there is money to be made, even if it is by rent-seeking. My best bet, I think, will be to discuss why alternative energy is a bad investment. My sense is that it is a bubble investment, like goofy Internet stocks in the 1990’s or housing in the 2000’s. Already, I think we see the crash in the corn ethanol business.
C3: Australia's "Crack" Climate Science Group Is On Attack: Claims Global Warming Is Happening (It's Not)
It's becoming obvious that panicked global warming alarmists are peeing in their panties all over the world as they discover no one believes them any longer. This leads them to make statements that can easily be disproved with empirical evidence (as that astute American climate scientist Al Gore has discovered, to his dismay). For example, the world is not warming, contrary to claims by an Australian climate scientist, which is well documented. Nor are present global temperatures in any way unprecedented versus the past.
- Bishop Hill blog - Sir John Houghton in the Times
It's well worth a read, but it's amusing to note that he accepts the glaciergate errors, which you will remember involved the use of claims from a WWF report. At the same time Sir John also claims that:
...a report from Greenpeace or any other campaigning body would not be included because the science would not be considered robust enough.

There are also some interesting claims about the recent lack of warming being a function of El Nino and natural variation. Lucia might have something to say on this subject.

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