Monday, March 15, 2010

The Reference Frame: John Houghton about ecofanatics: annotated version
This railway engineer is politically more powerful within climatology than the likes of Richard Lindzen. The situation in the climate science continues to be completely insane. The only reason why these stunning imbalances of the power and funding aren't able to convince the scientists and the public about the threat coming from the AGW is that the arguments in favor of such a threat are so preposterous that billions of dollars are simply not enough to pay the people to believe in them.
Climate Common Sense: Abbott and Cameron: leadership and opportunism
Cameron and Brown are the TweedleDee and TweedleDum of UK politics offering voters very little choice with both trying to out-green the other. Ritter says that Tony Abbott is smart and therefore MUST know that the peer-reviewed AGW hoax is correct , displaying the intellectual arrogance of Alarmists that no one intelligent can disagree with the scam. Therefore logically Abbott's position must be political opportunism.
Star on course to meet Solar system identified - RT
Movement of an orange dwarf star with a mass of about half that of the Sun will eventually bring it right to the solar system, stellar data analysis indicates.

The Gliese 710 from the constellation Serpens Cauda is due to arrive in about 1.5 million years, and has an 86 per cent probability of passing through the Oort Cloud, says Vadim Bobylev at the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg.
Die Klimazwiebel: Has the IPCC been too cautious?
The recent examples of alarmism in the IPCC AR4 (glaciers, draughts in Africa, disaster losses, etc) were either the result of faulty sources, of faults in the peer review process, or of faults in the editing of the SPM documents (this is my reading of the situation). In all cases the consensus among practitioners seems to be the yardstick for assessing excessive alarmism. At this point in time the practitioners do not agree among themselves how to assess the IPCC record with regard to erroneous statements (see other post about IPCC Open letter and comments). A nice example of social construction of knowledge.
The Badger Herald: Opinion: Climate change still unproven as threat
Examine your life and the changes that are happening around you. Do you sacrifice or spend extra money for green products because you want to, or because you are forced or scared not to? Read some dissenting opinions, examine the science behind global warming, and ignore the “consensus” propaganda. You will find your fear will be replaced with a question. Why are we sacrificing so much for an unproved idea that poses only a minor threat?

Andrew Carpenter ... is a senior majoring in communication arts and psychology.

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