Tuesday, March 30, 2010

[Should you let scientific fraud influence one of the biggest decisions of you'll ever make?]: Say it loud: I’m childfree and I’m proud | Grist
I am thoroughly delighted by the fact that the most humane thing for me to do is to have no children at all.
Antarctic trip wakes [brainwashed] PolyU student to [bogus] warming perils - The Standard
The sight of melting icebergs and dying penguins have brought home to Polytechnic University student Joe Wang Hongrui the destructive nature of man.

Wang, 22, was one of two Hong Kong students who had the opportunity to observe the melting Antarctic from up close.
Wang was part of the March 5-18 International Antarctic Expedition organized by US green group 2041.

The whole trip cost Wang - a Xian native who is in the third year of his studies in international shipping and transport logistics - HK$250,000, but all of it was paid by sponsors.
Twitter / Zoe
70* in MN in March. I'm not sure whether to sing for joy or run screaming for the hills in a blind panic. Climate change, yay?
[Well, it was much warmer in 1968, so I'd go with "sing for joy"]
Record (KMSP) 83 °F (1968)
Koch Industries Responds to Greenpeace - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com
We believe the political response to climate issues should be based on sound science. Both a free society and the scientific method require an open and honest airing of all sides, not demonizing and silencing those with whom you disagree. We’ve strived to encourage an intellectually honest debate on the scientific basis for claims of harm from greenhouse gases. We have tried to help bring out the facts of the potential effectiveness and costs of policies proposed to deal with climate, as it’s crucial to understand whether proposed initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases will achieve desired environmental goals and what effects they would likely have on the global economy.

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