Monday, March 22, 2010

[Warmists in the Arctic: Even with the fossil-fueled stove running, it's very cold in our tent]
Even with the stove going in the comms tent (it isn’t possible to run generators in a storm) the internal temperature dropped to -9ºC. At this temperature typing becomes problematic. Basically, you have to warm a hand over the stove before typing a few sentences. It's like working inside a domestic freezer.
Tim Ball: El Nino Alone Illustrates Why IPCC Science Is Wrong
IPCC Reports claim with certainty that increases in global temperature since the 19th century are due to human addition of CO2. There are a multitude of problems with the claim not least the omission or lack of understanding of major temperature altering mechanisms. We are in the middle of an El Nino event, more commonly called El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) that is modifying temperatures beyond human effect
Green living is not about doing the right thing for the wrong reason | James Garvey | Environment |
Acting in our own interests got us into this mess. It's unlikely to get us out.
Morning Bell: Repeal | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Much of the fight against this bill will be led by the individual states, a process we encourage. All told, 33 states have already taken steps to challenge various aspects of Obamacare, including its unprecedented mandate that every American purchase health insurance or face a steep penalty for noncompliance. Four additional states will have this question on the ballot in November.
Works and Days » We’ve Crossed the Rubicon
I don’t see why the ram-it-through, health care formula won’t be followed by similar strategies for blanket amnesty, cap and trade, and expansions of the state takeover of cars, banks, student loans, and energy.
Environmental refugees and global warming
ScienceDaily (Mar. 22, 2010) — Climate change and environmental degradation are likely to trigger increased migration in Sub-Saharan Africa with potentially devastating effects on the hundreds of millions of especially poor people, according to a paper in the International Journal of Global Warming.

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