A Bolder Black Carbon Strategy May Help Cut Climate Change’s Gordian Knot - The Jakarta Globe
Now, due to a remarkably fortunate coincidence of health and climate science, those interested in preventing climate change from accelerating past humanity’s capacity to adapt to it have a weapon as mighty as Alexander’s sword, provided they can wield it with comparable ingenuity.Cap-and-trade could unlock new reserves in Louisiana | HoumaToday.com
Black carbon is a key constituent of particulates or soot from incomplete combustion. On a global basis its heat warming potential is great — almost as much as that from all energy sector carbon dioxide...
HOUMA — Carbon dioxide, known to contribute to global warming, could help unlock billions of barrels of oil from previously tapped Louisiana wells, a report says.Postal Service Could Slash Carbon Footprint By Cutting Saturday Delivery
If a federal cap-and-trade law regulating carbon dioxide is imposed, industrial plants could dispose of carbon by injecting it into previously tapped onshore oilfields. That would both keep those emissions out of the atmosphere and help increase domestic oil production, says the paper by Advanced Resources International of Arlington, Va., which concentrates on advanced energy-recovery technology.
As a result, the USPS has proposed the elimination of regular Saturday mail delivery to street addresses as part of a comprehensive plan to ensure that it can continue to deliver affordable service to American people and businesses, while also reducing it's significant carbon footprint.
Reducing street delivery would save anywhere from 315,000 to 503,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, which is the same as removing 60,000 to 96,000 cars from the roadways.
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