Wednesday, April 14, 2010

C3: Audit Reveals That UN's IPCC Relies On Non-Scientific Climate "Evidence": 48% of IPCC Report Chapters Are Bogus
Close to 50% of the IPCC report's chapters are not based primarily on scientific research but instead on anecdotal evidence and hearsay from global warming alarmists and environmental activists.
San Clemente Times - The Earth Hour Bust
To the “green” fear peddlers and bullies in San Clemente who berated anyone who question them – the game’s over, you lost. It’s time to move on and do something productive for the environment and quit badgering the community trying to enlist them into your crusade that is based on lies.
Twitter / The Climate [Hoax] Project
Gray whale migration decline attributed to climate change #climate
Ebbing sunspot activity makes Europe freeze : Nature News
The effect is pronounced enough, he says, that the winter of 2009 was England's 18th coldest in the past 350 years, even though global temperatures were at their fifth highest.

"It is a very careful statistical analysis, which is not the case with all the papers in this particular subject area," says Joanna Haigh, an atmospheric physicist at Imperial College London.
On Being a 21st Century Peasant - Reason Magazine
Eaarth follows the time-honored structure of environmentalist tracts, opening with a quick rehearsal of the science that allegedly seals our terrible fate, followed by a much longer disquisition outlining the author’s elaborate plan for salvation.
2nd inquiry of 'climate-gate' finds no intentional scientific malfeasance: Washington Post
Myron Ebell, director of energy and global warming policy at the D.C.-based Competitive Enterprise Institute, called it a "superficial investigation."

"They don't even make a minimal effort to rebut the obvious appearance of widespread data manipulation, suppression of dissenting research through improper means, and intentional avoidance of complying with Freedom of Information requests," said Ebell, whose think tank accepts funding from energy interests.
EU Referendum: Oxburgh – not a whitewash brand it simply as a "whitewash" and to dismiss it entirely on those grounds would be a disservice to the sceptic cause. There is much that is useable in the report which, although muted, is nevertheless, an indictment of the CRU and climate science. To that extent, it is not a whitewash.

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