Monday, April 26, 2010

Political Climate Change « The Speakers Lobby
By Wednesday, Pelosi firmly had hold of the helm and declared the legislation “the flagship issue of this Congress.”

By Thursday, Admiral Pelosi had already downgraded the climate bill to just another boat in Congress’s legislative fleet. The speaker indicated she wouldn’t impede the Senate from taking up an immigration reform bill before it tackles the climate package.
BREAKING: Sen. Graham walks away from climate and energy bill over immigration plans « Climate Progress
If the White House loses Graham that would certainly kill any chances of a climate bill this year.
Where's The Dioxide? - Minnesotans For Global Warming
The problem is they don't want to tax "Carbon" they want to tax "Carbon Dioxide"!

My question is: Isn't calling Carbon Dioxide "Carbon" like calling water "Hydrogen"? Actually its worse then that, water is 2/3 Hydrogen, CO2 is only 1/3 Carbon. What Happened to the Oxygen molecules? Where's the "Dioxide"?

It must be a marketing thing, because Carbon is black and really messy stuff but Carbon Dioxide is a clear and odorless gas and is plant food! Nothing would be Green without CO2!
Hide the decline - Latest News (hidethedecline)
As we speak, the RSS temperature curve shows no warming trend since may 1997, that is 12 years and 11 months.

This fact is obviously dangerous to the global warming belief, but it gets worse: The NOAA prediction shows a cooling La Nina from summer 2010
The ash cloud that never was: How volcanic plume over UK was only a twentieth of safe-flying limit and blunders led to lock-down | Mail Online
The Mail on Sunday can today reveal the full extent of the shambles behind the great airspace shutdown that cost the airlines £1.3 billion and left 150,000 Britons stranded - all for a supposed volcanic ash cloud that for most of the five-day flights ban was so thin it was invisible.

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