Monday, April 26, 2010

Population, Consumption, Carbon Emissions, and Human Well-Being in the Age of Industrialization (Part IV – There Are No PAT Answers, or Why Neo-Malthusians Get It Wrong) — MasterResource
In fact, human beings have never been longer lived, healthier, wealthier, more educated, freer, and more equal than they are today.

Why does the Neo-Malthusian worldview fail the reality check?
Climate backers try to regroup - Glenn Thrush and Marin Cogan -
...a Democratic staffer familiar with Reid’s strategy told POLITICO on Sunday that the majority leader, while open to the idea of pushing climate change before the fall, won’t sign off on fast-tracking a bill to the floor — and wants the new plan to be carefully reviewed by committee chairs, a process that could take weeks.
Kerry was in Boston when he got word of Graham’s decision and flew [didn't he care enough about our grandchildren to take the train?] back to D.C. Saturday, an aide said.

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