Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddy, could we have our planet back now? - Global warming [hoax promotion] -
The dust bowl that will hit the American Southwest and a half-dozen other heavily populated regions around the Earth will likely last far, far longer than the one that devastated the Great Plains in the 1930s. And the sea level rise could hit 4 to 6 feet by century's end and then continue rising a foot or more a decade, until all the land-based ice on the planet is gone and seas are more than 200 feet higher. How will our children's children and their descendants adapt to that?
Net Benefits of Biomass Power Under Scrutiny -
In fact, power generated by burning wood, plants and other organic material, which makes up 50 percent of all renewable energy produced in the United States, according to federal statistics, is facing increased scrutiny and opposition.

That, critics say, is because it is not as climate-friendly as once thought, and the pollution it causes in the short run may outweigh its long-term benefits.

1 comment:

Craig Goodrich said...

These articles demonstrate beyond any question that the average IQ of the environmental movement is now running in the mid single digits.

One commenter at Salon's typically mindless Joe Romm piece insists that the O2 be rereleased from the CO2 coming out the smokestack, i.e. he wants to unburn the coal. Would he do the same for his joss stick?

The NYT piece is a little more hopeful, gut not much, since the whole biomass business is fundamentally idiotic to start with. A billion or so people on this planet get their energy from biomass now, as all humanity did up until about a century ago. Life was nasty, brutish, and short, and it still is for the mother cooking dinner over a fire of dried dung because the local forest was destroyed for fuel generations ago.

Has the American educational system really sunk this low?