Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Enamored with wind, Obama ignored drilling risks | Washington Examiner
...The problem was, Obama and Salazar were more interested in pursuing their vision of a clean energy future. Under Obama, the Minerals Management Service, driven by a strongly ideological commitment to green energy sources such as wind and solar power, chose to stress "renewables" while de-emphasizing the tough and dirty work of managing the nation's existing offshore oil wells.

"What they did essentially was divert the attention of the agency away from regulating offshore drilling and focus it on the expansion of offshore renewables," says one well-informed Republican House aide.
David de Rothschild: At sea in a soda-bottle boat - opinion - 15 June 2010 - New Scientist
I have to keep pinching myself that we are floating on a boat made out of 12,500 2-litre reclaimed plastic bottles.
[Q] Did you offset the carbon footprint of manufacturing the boat?

Our footprint was a lot smaller than it could have been because we manufactured a lot of the boat ourselves off-grid, using solar power. When we got into tracing the carbon footprint of all the stuff we had ordered, it actually became financially restrictive for us to do the analysis. We got a quote from one company that was of the order of $100,000 to do a full analysis of our carbon footprint.
Warning Signs: A Congress that is Immune to Facts and Truth
Without CO2 there would be no life on Earth. All vegetation depends on it. More C02 would be extremely beneficial, increasing crop yields, aiding the growth of forests.
Hot Air » NPR generic Congressional poll in 70 districts put GOP up by 8
This poll clearly shows that the midterms won’t be an anti-incumbent, throw-them-all-out election. It’s a referendum on the Democratic agenda and leadership, and the Democrats will lose big if these numbers hold up through the summer.

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