Monday, June 14, 2010

Lindsey Graham suggests that air containing tiny amounts of CO2 isn't "clean"

Graham urges GOP to address issues important to young people, Hispanics
“So for the Republican Party, we've got to make a decision,” Graham said. “Are we going to be the party of carbon [dioxide] pollution forever? If so, then I think our ability as a party to grow in terms of young voters is going to be severely hurt.”
For Graham, it isn't about dropping climate change, it's a matter of rephrasing.

Clean air resonates with people, global warming doesn't,” he said. “So I was trying to find out how can we take this issue of climate change and recast it so that we can get something for everybody, clean up the air, create jobs that are going to be created in China if we don't have some rational energy policy, and reduce our dependency on foreign oil.”
Composition of Air
Nitrogen ... 78.084%
Oxygen ...   20.947%
Argon ....    0.934%
Carbon Dioxide ... 0.033%

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