Tuesday, August 24, 2010

'Global Warming:' The 'South Sea Bubble' of the 21st century
With the nation’s attention turned to jobs or the loss of them, global warming — pardon the analogy — has been put on the back burner. Still, if money can be made from a scam, you better believe this one is only on siesta. In his book, Sussman, a former San Francisco meteoroglist and current chat show host, builds the case for global warming as the 21st century’s “South Sea Bubble.” (When Sir Isaac Newton was asked about the continued rise of South Sea’s valueless stock, he reportedly replied: “I cannot calculate the madness of people.”)The author shows how celebrities like Gore and others want to extend their control over us while making themselves filthy rich. How so? Through transaction fees gained from the trading of carbon dioxide. One day it will be legal for investors without a conscience to “rape and plunder our once great nation with political approval.”
Northerntruthseeker: The Global Warming Farce: James Cameron Backs Down On Debating Climate Issues!
The man made Global Warming scare is a massive fraud and hoax. People must by now be questioning the so called science that claims that the planet is heating up, and that it is primarily caused by man made pollutants. More and more rational people are finally realizing the scope of the hoax, and how the criminals that first perpetrated the hoax were in it to scam Billions of dollars out of gullible unsuspecting people.
NTS Notes: Many of us were fooled by all of the hype of the Global Warming scare. Yes, James Cameron definitely looks like a hypocrite for his rhetoric against the Global Warming skeptics, and he should answer for his statements, especially wanting to "Call all those deniers out onto the street at high noon, and shoot it out with those boneheads".

Personally, I do not look at those individuals that continue to believe in the Global Warming fraud as hypocrites, but just misinformed and misled thanks to the BS media, and in dire need of the real truth.
United Nations Begins to Recognize Global Warming Fraud
While we were busy with 24 other bone-headed things the Obama administration was doing, a little-known United Nations panel did something quite significant: It is skeptical (finally) of the fraud of global warming and may stop the progressive moves toward the job-killing laws that are now on tap. Read the following. This is actually quite an astounding and welcome ”turn-about.”
Cap’n Bob & the Damsel » Correlation Between Solar Activity and Global Temperature
The graphic is an animated visual summary of the correlation between solar activity and global temperature.

Since the Professor wanted to include the graphic in a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, I did some research on linking Flash™ to the presentation. I found some pretty good support from Microsoft on how to link to the graphic. I tried it here, saw that it worked, and sent the information to Bob. He emailed me this morning to say he had succeeded in getting the link to work at his end.
Climate Data Extortion « Global Warming: A Worn-Out Hoax
If University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit is to be expected to actually produce its climate data, significant additional monies will be required! See the video, at 12:15 in.

These extortionists will stop at no crime, to make climate out as they wish it to be. To control public perception of climate gives them power beyond their imaginations. They won’t relinquish it; even after getting caught with their hands in the till. As Piers Corbyn relates, this is an international conspiracy to defraud the public. Science is pitted against truth; and against humankind. More money for the data you said you lost? Liars.

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