Thursday, September 02, 2010

Discovery Gunman: The Green Frankenstein « Green Hell Blog
It’s true that James Lee was a psycho, but he was just taking radical environmentalism to its logical conclusion. People threaten planet and, if they won’t stop voluntarily, then they must be made to stop. Lee believed that because he steeped himself in today’s radical environmental movement.
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Sep. 2nd 2010 « The Daily Bayonet
Sockeye salmon sock it to Suzuki, greenwashing corporations boycott their own boycott when faced with a counter-boycott and Greenpeace gets whacked by Greenland and unfriended by Facebook.
Tax versus Trade « JoNova
So everyone has a handy pocket list as a reference:

1. Carbon trading is NOT a free market. (In a free market, no one would pay for an atmospheric nullity they can’t use. A carbon trading market is one where the government compels some parties to buy, so it is not free.)
2. It feeds the financial sharks. (Think “ENRON” x 100).
3. Its a magnet for corruption. (It’s easy to cheat in a fake market selling hard-to-verify nothings.)
4. Its permanent. (How do you ask a two trillion dollar industry to shut up and die once it’s protected by phalanxes of lobbyists and easy-cash to donate to “worthy causes”?)
James Lee is Al Gore is Prince Charles is the Unabomber – Telegraph Blogs
Does this sound like the ravings of a sad, deranged loner on the wilder fringes of eco-fascist lunacy? Not to me it doesn’t. Strip away the block capitals and what you have, word for word, is the core manifesto of the entire global green movement.
The modern environmental movement is not kind, caring or gentle. It is a series of ticking time bombs waiting to blow up in our face.
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Today’s Inconvenient Truth: Al Gore Lied, James J. Lee Died
At a gut level most left-wing environmentalists know that they’re liars. Intellectually they might have somehow convinced themselves that Mother Earth is in some sort of man-made peril, but deep down inside where the truth won’t be denied, these liars know they’re lying — know that the “green movement” is all about a sinister political agenda to put them in the position of insect overlords in charge of we rubes who stubbornly refuse to let go of the idea that Marxism is a bad thing.
James Jay Lee might have been crazy as Ed Schultz at a Glenn Beck rally … but he believed. And if you believe, truly believe in Al Gore’s doomsday scenario, it’s not hard to convince yourself that going Jack Bauer — employing extra-legal and violent methods — for the greater good of Gaia is a moral and even a heroic choice. A better example might be John Brown, the fanatical abolitionist who committed horrible crimes in the noble cause of freeing the slaves. But at the time, slavery was a very real evil. Al Gore’s doomsday scenario is not.
But Gore and Co. are consciously and purposefully using the most powerful propaganda device every created to spread self-serving lies in the hopes of scaring us into voting for the kind of government that will give the elite more control over our lives. And so there’s simply no getting around the fact that had these people (and their media minions) inspired with the truth instead of a lie, yesterday’s tragedy might not have happened.

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