Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ill wind for Denmark’s green energy revolution
To green campaigners, it is wind farm heaven, generating a claimed fifth of its power from wind and praised by British ministers as the model to follow. But amid a growing public backlash, Denmark, the world’s most wind farm-intensive country, is turning against the turbines.

Last month, unnoticed in Britain, Denmark’s state-owned power company, Dong Energy, announced that it would abandon future onshore wind farms. "Every time we were building onshore, the public reacts in a negative way and we had a lot of criticism from neighbours," said a spokesman for the firm. "Now we are putting all our efforts into offshore windfarms."

Even as parts of the British Government continue to blow hard for wind, other countries seem to be cooling on the idea.
Daily Kos: ThinkProgress's "Extreme Makeover: House of Reps edition"
Those would control the House committees and subcommittees also may include:
– Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), who opposes the existence of the global warming committee he would chair

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